Welcome to the Tulare County Sheriff’s Foundation Website!
The Foundation is an important partner that works in collaboration with the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office.
Tulare County Sheriff’s Office has been fortunate to receive monetary donations to support programs and specialized units within the Sheriff’s Office such as the K9 Unit; Explorer Program; Search and Rescue; and the Pathways Scholarship program. Due to the monetary support received, the Tulare County Sheriff’s Foundation was established as a non-profit organization under 501C (3) of the Internal Revenue Code to serve as a vehicle for tax-deductible donations.
Additionally, donations received will be used towards community outreach, for example, funding may be provided to a community facing a crisis such as not having drinkable water, helping the homeless in Tulare County or to provide youth sport programs.
We are very fortunate to have some of Tulare County’s finest community and business leaders to volunteer to serve as Foundation Board of Directors. These individuals are resourceful, innovative and energetic leaders who are excited about serving our Foundation and the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office.
Supporting the Tulare County Sheriff’s Foundation is a rewarding way to positively impact this large diverse County we call home.
Thank you for your support of the Sheriff’s Office and the Foundation.
Mike Boudreaux